Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day at the G4H conf, thru the eyes of...

...yours truly! Thanks to the G4H organizers, Ben Sawyer and Beth Bryant, for having the faith in me to pull something off like this. I didn't know it was finished till I happened on the RWJF website and found it!

It's interesting to see how it was all edited down to a few minutes--after shooting from 7:30 AM till 5:30 PM. This was one conf. day where I couldn't nod off one wink--not with the camera taping the whole time (except when I went to the restroom and had lunch).

For those of you who were there, you saw it in the making. For those of you who weren't, enjoy the first day of the G4H conference through the eyes of the Exergaming Evangelist. ;-)

For those who know me well, they know I'm into these kinds of projects, though I'm more comfortable BEHIND the lens, rather than in front of it. If I had known all that it entailed, I might have said, "No way!" but nevertheless, I learned a lot from the crew that I can bring back to my own Spicy Curry Productions.

Overall, I enjoyed the experience, working with the crew, and having this chance to share a day at our G4H conference. ;-)

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