Friday, March 13, 2009

Here we go again!

3-12-09: My first post for 2009! It's been a busy first couple of months in 2009, but I'm finally posting something here that's worth posting! We just finished up our Healthy People Conference: Lifestyle Medicine for Obesity and Diabetes, here at Loma Linda University.

Bryan Haddock and I presented a session on exergaming. He presented the latest research as well as the research that we have done together, while I presented what it is, how it can increase PA, how it is used in healthcare, research opps., and how the attendees could start incorporating it in their practice or facility.

There were a lot of SPH grad students there as well, so I tried to plant seeds to encourage them to consider doing their research in this area. We'll see if it worked!

I also had a chance to hear Dr. Toni Yancey, of UCLA. I always enjoy her presentations (we get to do some physical activity!) and we see each other a lot at various conferences around the country. Last saw her at the APHA conf. in San Diego last Oct. We're hoping to collaborate on some exergaming work with the LA youth that she does so much for, so stay tuned!

Also got to meet in person Dr. David Katz, the lead developer of the ONQI system, a rating system for food. It will be marketed on food and store shelves as NuVal, and he has come up with some game ideas to utilize it, so I'm helping to see what can be done in this area.

It was great to see so many former classmates from my grad school days, and many of them are interested in learning more about how to incorporate exergaming and games for health in their work.

All in all, a great time networking and getting the world of exergaming out to this group of healthcare professionals!

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